Tap Dance Classes

Tap is an American dance genre, evolved over hundreds of years, where the dancer produces rhythms by striking the floor with their feet. The sound is made by the metal ‘tap’ on the toe and heel of the shoe. It is often associated with the films of Fred Astaire and Gene Kelly and is popular with all ages.
It teaches co-ordination, rhythm and musicality and after a short period of time students can make real progress and show some really impressive results. Children especially love tap, being able to make legitimate noise! There is also a belief that tap dancing can help with the study of musical instruments and perhaps could even be counted as a form of music itself.
Tap is energetic, lively and a great form of exercise, with fabulous music and much more fun than going to the gym! It can really improve fitness and is also a great social activity as often students work together to create their own pieces of choreography.
In our classes we teach a combination of ISTD syllabus work to ensure that the children are progressing and learning new technique but we also incorporate ‘free’ un-set exercises, routines and show dances to a range of different styles of music. Students are encouraged to improvise and contribute their own ideas so making them think for themselves and ‘tap’ into their creative sides.
Our minimum entry age for tap dance is 4 years and all ages and levels are catered for, from Primary level, through Grades 1-6 to Intermediate and Advanced.
Adult tap dance classes are provided, both for beginners and those with more experience. Please do contact the Principal for details.